09 December 2022

FAHControl on Chromebook

As I wanted to be able to control my folding from my Chromebook, but the official FAH Control still has a Python2 dependency, I had to use a workaround to get it to work.
  1. Download:
  2. Install some requirements:
    • In a linux terminal run:
    • sudo apt install python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0
  3. Right click the deb file and select install with Linux
Now I wanted to add an icon to the launcher for being able to quickly launch it
  1. Get a suitable icon. Here is what I chose
  2. Move the icon file into the "Linux files" directory
  3. Create the applications directory:
    • mkdir -p .local/share/applications
  4. Create the shortcut
    • touch .local/share/applications/FAHControl.desktop
  5. Put the following in it

[Desktop Entry]


Comment=Folding at Home Control interface


X-GNOME-FullName=Folding at Home Conrol







Ventoy: Ultimate Boot USB

I learned about Ventoy from ThioJoe on Youtube in this video. It is a bootable USB image that allows you to place ISOs on the drive and then choose which one to boot. This allows one USB drive to act as a master install/rescue/debug drive.

Linux Instructions:

  1. Download from github: https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy/releases
  2. Extract
    • tar xvzf ventoy-*-linux.tar.gz
  3.  run Web UI
    • cd ventory-*/
    • sudo ./VentoyWeb.sh
  4. Use browser to go to<port>
    • Format the USB drive
    • WARNING: This will delete all data/files off the USB drive
  5. Refresh local drives
    • sudo partprobe
  6. Open the USB folder and copy in ISOs

What I put on the USB drive: